The Song Remembers When: “If I Die Young” – The Band Perry

We take you behind the scenes and explore the making of one of our favorite tunes with The Song Remembers When…


This week, we take a look at The Band Perry’s “If I Die Young:”

The Band Perry’s lead singer Kimberly Perry wrote “If I Die Young.” She wanted to write about making the most of however long you have here on Earth. Kimberly realized that if it were to all end, right then and there, as long as she had lived and loved to the absolute fullest, it would have been just enough time.

The song was released in June of 2010 as the second single from The Band Perry’s self-titled album. It eventually became their first chart-topper, won numerous major awards, and has since sold six million copies!

So, this week, we remember The Band Perry’s “If I Die Young.”

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