The Song Remembers When: “Lose My Mind” – Brett Eldredge

We take you behind the scenes and explore the making of one of our favorite tunes with The Song Remembers When…

Brett Eldredge, Ross Copperman, and Heather Morgan got together to write. Now, on the day of their writing session, Brett shared a groove that had kept him up all night long. Then, they all talked about how relationships can do that to you, too! They can make you feel crazy! And, the song idea was born…

Now, if you listen closely to this song, there’s a line in there – “I must be crazy!” You know, sounds kind of like that CeeLo Green song? So, Brett went back and gave all the writers on that song (“Crazy”) credit as well, so if you ever look at all the writers on here, there’s like a million of them! But, that’s why, okay?

The result was released last spring as the lead single from Brett’s Illinois album.  It became his fourth consecutive #1.

So, this week, we remember “Lose My Mind” from Brett Eldredge:

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