Kidde Hero of the Week: Matt Cuddihy


The Hero of the Week is brought to you by Kidde Worry-Free Alarms… Be a safety hero for your family. Begin by replacing outdated smoke alarms. Learn other simple steps at Kidde – Technology that saves lives. Find out how you can nominate a “Hero of the Week” at the bottom of the page.


Well, stories continue to surface from those in attendance at the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas… Caroline Johnson of Tujunga, California, wrote in to nominate her daughter’s friend Matt Cuddihy. While her own daughter was not at the event, Caroline says that she is proud of Matt and the lives he saved that day.

Matt was in the crowd during Jason Aldean’s set when the shooting started. He was standing next to a young woman named Katrina Hannah who he had met at the festival.

When the bullets started flying, he noticed people around him dropping to the ground and that’s when he noticed Katrina had been hit. As a trained EMT, Matt went into action immediately. He said that he identified where she was bleeding and took off his shirt to apply a dressing. It was then he made the decision to leave Katrina and help place tourniquets on nine other people, also saving their lives.

Matt says that because of this horrific event he feels he now has a desire to become an army medic. He was glad he was there to help those around him. And, as for Katrina, she credits his quick thinking for saving her life.

This week’s Hero is Matt Cuddihy!


Learn more about Matt and his story here.




Nominate a Hero of the Week

Now, we want to know who has made a difference in your life. Nominate a local firefighter, police officer, EMT or someone who is serving our country in the military. It could even be a neighbor, family member or friend who lent a crucial helping hand. Let us know all about the person who you feel is a real life hero by emailing us here and please feel free to send us a picture!


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