The Song Remembers When: Blake Shelton – “Sangria”

We take you behind the scenes and explore the making of one of our favorite tunes with The Song Remembers When…


In 2015, Blake Shelton released the third song from his album Bringing Back The Sunshine. “Sangria” was written by Josh Osborne, Trevor Rosen, and JT Harding.

Now, Josh had the word “sangria” written down in his phone for some time. He initially thought of a guy having too much to drink, but then thought how sexy it would be to turn it around.  Well, he then wrote the idea about the girl having sangria and the guy could taste it on her lips.

He brought that partially written song to Trevor and JT, and they loved it. The song didn’t take long to write and the guys sent it to Blake Shelton’s producer Scott Hendricks. But, Scott passed on the song, and then came back to them after he said that he couldn’t get the song out of his head.

Well, it’s a good thing because Blake reached the top of the charts in the summer of 2015. Yep, here it is… This week’s The Song Remembers When – Blake Shelton and “Sangria.”


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