The Song Remembers When: Jake Owen – “Made For You”

We take you behind the scenes and explore the making of one of our favorite tunes with The Song Remembers When…

Song: “Made For You”
Songwriters: Benjy Davis, Joey Hyde, and Neil Medley
Album: Greetings… From Jake

When Jake Owen was looking for songs for his 2019 album Greetings… From Jake, he was sent the song “Made For You.”

At the time, Jake, who had gone through a divorce, had found love again with his fiancée Erica.  He admits that the song spoke to him on a personal level. He said, “It’s about being made for somebody. It’s a powerful song about life and love.”

The standout line for Jake was – “Two AM was made for pissed off dads.” He was once the kid that pissed off the dad for bringing the girl home too late. When his girls grow up, if some guy brings them home too late, well, of course, they’ll get to deal with Jake!

Released in May 2020, “Made For You” would go on to top the chart the following year for two consecutive weeks. And, at the time, it was his ninth career number one.  

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