Heroes of the Week: Rob Caron and Members of the Standish Maine Fire Department

Throughout the week, our ACC Team searches through emails and news articles looking for someone who deserves to be the Hero of the Week… Find out how you can nominate a Hero of the Week at the bottom of the page.

This week, we received an email from Veronica Meserve. She wanted to nominate Rob Caron, the Fire Chief in Standish, Maine, as our Hero of the Week. She shares:

Rob was on a flight to a fire department conference with three members of his team. About 45 minutes into the flight, some guy yelled, “We need some medical help!”

Rob spotted one of his guys Shane attending to the situation and thinks “he’s got it,” but then he hears someone yell, “She’s not breathing!” He notices Shane trying to get the woman to the floor. So, Rob and the other guys spring into action. The flight attendant gives them the flight’s medic bag. The guys were able to plant the IV and spike the bag of fluids. They stayed with the woman until the flight landed when the medics on the ground took over.

Rob said that he couldn’t be prouder of his guys and is honored to have them as part of his department.

Kix’s Response:

Well done, guys! We’re happy to not only recognize Rob Caron as our ACC Hero this week, but also his team from the Standish Maine Fire Department!

Nominate a Hero of the Week

Now, we want to know who has made a difference in your life. Nominate a local firefighter, police officer, EMT or someone who is serving our country in the military. It could even be a neighbor, family member or friend who lent a crucial helping hand. Let us know all about the person who you feel is a real life hero by emailing us here and please feel free to send us a picture!

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