Hero of the Week: Bruce Lake

Throughout the week, our ACC Team searches through emails and news articles looking for someone who deserves to be the Hero of the Week… Find out how you can nominate a Hero of the Week at the bottom of the page.

In New Brunswick, Canada, an off-duty police officer is being called a hero after saving a woman from drowning. Bruce Lake is a 25-year member of the police force in Nova Scotia. While on vacation with his family and friends in New Brunswick’s Fundy National Park, he went hiking with some members of the group.

On the trail, they spotted a group of swimmers near some waterfalls. One of the young girls was holding on to a rock between two smaller waterfalls. She seemed to be trying to swim to shore to her friends. Every time she let go of the rock, she would go under and then pop up again, grabbing the rock. The last time she let go, she didn’t reappear and that’s when Bruce jumped in. He’s a self-described mediocre swimmer but his instincts took over.

After he jumped in, Bruce couldn’t see her. The water was quite deep, but he was swishing his arms around under the water and finally felt her. He grabbed her and started to swim towards shore. Her friends had thrown a line into the water. When she grabbed it, they pulled her towards the shore. Bruce let go of her and realized he was being pulled back towards the falls due to the strong current. The girl he saved saw what was happening and reached her arm out, so they could both be pulled to safety together.

Learn more about this story as covered by the CBC in Canada.

Kix’s Response:

Man, you just never know… What a scary situation but we’re so glad officer Bruce Lake was there. We’re happy to call him our ACC Hero of the Week!

Nominate a Hero of the Week

Now, we want to know who has made a difference in your life. Nominate a local firefighter, police officer, EMT or someone who is serving our country in the military. It could even be a neighbor, family member or friend who lent a crucial helping hand. Let us know all about the person who you feel is a real life hero by emailing us here and please feel free to send us a picture!

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