Tag Archives: Minnesota

Heroes of the Week: Alex and Deanna Lessman

Heroes of the Week: Alex and Deanna Lessman

After their son tragically passed away, a couple whose community lifted them up pays it forward. Has someone made a difference in your life? Learn how you can nominate them as our Hero of the Week.MORE

Hero of the Week: Asher

Hero of the Week: Asher

A four-year-old comes to the aid of his mother. Have someone who has made a difference in your life? Learn how you can nominate them as our Hero of the Week.MORE

Heroes of the Week: The Community of Powderhorn Park

Heroes of the Week: The Community of Powderhorn Park

When she was told the home she was renting would be sold, Linda worried about where she would live. But, the community she serves stepped up in a big way to solve that problem. Have someone who has made a difference in your life? Learn how you can nominate them as our Hero of the Week.MORE

Hero of the Week: Lucas Weme

Hero of the Week: Lucas Weme

A pre-med student put his training into action saving the life of his father. Have someone who has made a difference in your life? Learn how you can nominate them as our Hero of the Week.MORE

Hero of the Week: Hunter Kahn

Hero of the Week: Hunter Kahn

After experiencing a financial windfall, a college student shares his good fortune with kids at his local children’s hospital. Have someone who has made a difference in your life? Learn how you can nominate them as our Hero of the Week.MORE

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